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MSc. Franc Ferlin, Forest Consulting and Education
Virgin forest Janj - forest development phases
Virgin forest Janj (RS-BiH)
Fir-beech-spruce virgin forest (295 hectares) (Photo by Buzanin©)
Virgin forest Janj (RS-BiH)
Beech dominating regeneration phase (Photo by Buzanin©)
Virgin forest Janj (RS-BiH)
Spruce-fir-beech plenter phase (Photo by Buzanin©)
Virgin forest Janj (RS-BiH)
Spruce-beech plenter phase (Photo by Buzanin©)
Virgin forest Janj (RS-BiH)
Fir-beech younger optimum phase (Photo by Buzanin©)
Virgin forest Janj (RS-BiH)
Spruce-fir mature and terminal phase (Photo by Buzanin©)
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