MSc. Franc Ferlin, Forest Consulting and Education
Managed forest Soteska, Slovenia - forest development phases
Mixed beech-fir, multi-layered forest stand from the virgin forest neighbourhood (Photo by Ferlin©)
(Small) Group-wise structured uneven-aged forest stand of mature beech and young fir with a deadwood remnant (Photo by Ferlin©)
Individually structured uneven-aged ("pleneter") fir-beech forest stand profile from the virgin forest neighbourhood (Photo by Ferlin©)
Dead habitat tree as a natural element a of near natural uneven-aged forest (Photo by Ferlin©)
Thin beech pole stand after first (positive) selection thinning and previous (negative) selection in the thicket and sapling stages -example of an intensive forest management system (Photo by Ferlin©)
Beech pole stand after several (positive) selection thinnings and previous (negative) selection in the thicket and sapling stages - example of an intensive forest management system (Photo by Ferlin©)
Non-thinnned middle-aged beech forest stand in private ownership established after shelterwood regeneration felling (Photo by Ferlin©)